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Search results for: 5/4/02
  • Drunk Men Work Here 5/4/02 
    Description: fresh zero-content for compulsive clickers
    Comments: It's Saturday morning so, chill and be prepared for a little web fun.  I've noticed that a search for the word "drunk" in the portal cool zone, which has roughly 1,750 sites listed in it, turns up zilch.  I'd say that's probably a positive thing, but with today's pick, it all changes – drunks are now officially represented thanks to the name of the site I've chosen to review today.  I guess it's all downhill from here, baby!  Anyway – the odd looking navigation menu on the main page might validate the idea that drunks do work there, but don't let it fool you – some of the experiments they've been doing are far too cool to have been pulled off in a stupor.  Go for the "archive" link to see a list of 149 "editions" done since February, 2001 – it was edition #146 that got my attention – giving the phrase "mirroring a site" a whole new meaning – see what a mirror of coolstop looks like?  Edition #144 ("recycler") is kinda cool, too, and I noticed that some of the images in the "gallery" have something to do with it.  There's also a long list of "games" you can play.  To be serious, I've gotta give kudos to the people behind the site – it's fun net art and if they really are drunks, more power to 'em...  

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