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"Cruzamento" by Marcio Toledo
"Cruzamento" by Marcio Toledo
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Search results for:
  • Daniel Lee 'Manimals' 3/11/04 
    Description: digital images combining human portraits with animal features
    Comments: There's an amazing animated .gif called "Fish out of water" done in 1998-99, which shows Daniel Lee's "view of evolution."  That's just the online representation of the actual work of art which is a sequence of 11 larger digital C-prints with a 5-minute animated presentation on DVD, currently on display at the JM Kolar Art Center in Wisconsin.  That project is 1 of 5 showcased here.  It looks like Daniel started doing his "Manimals" in 1993 and his work has been exhibited all over the world.  Drawing.  Photography.  Fine art.  Photoshop.  Uniquely cool...  [pictoblog]
  • Calder Foundation 10/9/03 
    Description: the life and works of sculptor Alexander Calder (site spawns new window)
    Comments: I remember his famous Flamingo in front of the Federal Center in Chicago – I need to visit Chitown again soon.  Sculptor Alexander Calder, whose life spanned 3/4 of the 20th century, created some 17,000 works in his lifetime, including "monumental sculptures, mobiles, and stabiles to paintings, drawings, and lesser known work, such as jewelry and household objects."  Today's pick houses photographs of hundreds of those works, along with comprehensive information on Calder's life.  It's actually the online home of the Calder Foundation, charged with collection and documentation of the artist's massive body of work, and also provides up-to-date information on current, upcoming, and permanent exhibitions plus long-term installations.  Well done...  [Pictoblog]
  • Pictoblog 8/13/03 
    Description: image weblog, updated weekly
    Comments: Each weekly page contains 7 crops of images from around the web, 200x200 in size.  I'd call it an excellent alternative portal to the visual arts and culture.  Each page I checked out led to a variety of interesting sites.  It's been online since last November.  Do the math and today's pick offers hours of enjoyable exploration.  Though this site is relatively new, Nemo Nox, its creator, has been doing the webthing since '97 and the Brazilian press has called him everything from "weblog pioneer" to "Lord Internet" to "one of the most active people on the Brazilian cultural web."  I used an online translator to read a few of the articles about him – they love this guy!  Then, I checked out his images section – I love this guy too...

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